Darul Ma’arif Womans Arts and Shareeath College is therefore recongnised as one of the highly appreciated ventures of the Centre. Girls are admitted here after their secondary education and are provided with comprehensive education following a specially set two years’ curricula which comprises learning of Fiqh, Islamic history, Thasawuf, Aqeeda, home science, cookery, first aid etc. The students who wish to pursue general education also study for higher levels starting from Plus One.
It is delightful to have a glimpse of the new generation girls come to the college in complete Hijab keeping their modesty and take the change to the family. More than two hundred students study in Womans Arts and Shareeath College at present.
A reliable institution that provides essential education in the perfect Islamic environment which impart spiritual values and modifies the life of young adult female generation is highly demanded in the community.
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Experience wisdom
Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often result of lack of Wisdom.
Practical courses
Knowledge is no value unless you put into practice with studied one.
Essential Knowledge
The essential knowledge make us to act and work as real human.