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Da'wa College

Set up in Vaadi Irfan, the main campus of  Darul Ma’arif Islamic Centre, this residential college facilitates more than 200 hundred students with profound Islamic higher education along with university level material education. The institution aims a new generation scholars equipped with religious and material higher education.


Da’wa college is affiliated to Jamiathul Hind Al Islamiyya, India and follows the eight years curriculum and syllabi. It provides generous opportunities to the students to develop and master in areas of education, letters, public speaking, leadership and social work, preparing the them to the field of Islamic da’wa and teaching under the guidance of adept scholars and teachers.
The syllabus covers learning of scholarly Islamic texts in different steams such as Hadeeth, Thafseer, Fiqh, Aqaa’id, Nahvu and Thasawuf taking the students to the depth of the books of great scholars like Imam Bukhari, Muslim, Raazi, Ibnu Hajar etc. along with higher secondary and graduation level material education.
Completing this eight years’ course young scholars are honoured with the title ‘Irfani’ at the annual convocation. Capable to excel in educational and service fields, now they are highly demanded in the society. Eight batches of Irfani’s are now serving the society in an out of India in various fields.


Every year the college offers an intake of 30 students qualified for higher secondary education  during the month of May, after an internal entrance test and subsequent interview. Admission form could be downloaded or collected from the college office.

Complete Free

The eight years’ course is completely residential. Food, accommodation, college education, dars education and essential IT education are provided to the students. Though the total expense for individual student     comes nearly to 25 thousand a year, the complete course is facilitated totally free to the students with the   generous assistance of the well wishers.